HoundWaves Profile – DJ GiGi

Palabras por Vida airs Wednesdays, 4-5 pm (MDT)

Indie Music/Spoken Word hosted by DJ GiGi Bella

DJ GiGi Bella’s show, Palabras por Vida, is a mix of indie music and spoken word poetry. She says: My goal is really to play things that are gigiinspirational or can accompany inspiration. Whether something makes you laugh or makes you want to sing along, for an hour you can listen and get totally fueled to do something awesome. I also want to bring poetry to Eastern! As a competitive slam poet and national semi-finalist, I think we don’t get enough storytelling in our day to day life and sometimes we just need to sit back and listen and enjoy the beauty of our language and its purpose.

GiGi Guajardo is a sophomore at ENMU studying theatre and creative writing. She is a national semi-finalist member of the ABQ Poetry Slam Team and has been a slam poet for four years. She has a passion for the art of slam poetry and for music. She is a Singer/Songwriter currently working on her first EP, Antioxidants as well as her first poetry chapbook. She loves to inspire and be inspired.



Palabras por Vida

Wednesdays, 4-5 pm (MDT)

Indie Music/Spoken Word
DJ GiGi Bella