By Katrina Weir
The last couple of weeks, these two words keep popping up and I felt the need to remind anyone reading this. My schedule has been busier than ever and at times it has felt overwhelming, discouraging and easier to give up. I believe many of us find ourselves in similar situations where we doubt being capable of handling all that life throws at us, but sometimes it is essential to remind ourselves why we need to keep going. Maybe it is a dream you had as a child to be the first in your family to graduate, but whatever it is, let it be your drive.
There was a stereotype projected on me growing up that I was not smart enough. For many years, my driving force was to prove that stereotype wrong. Now, as I mature, my relationship with God has allowed me to see there are bigger things out there and the labels people had on me were just that, labels. Today, I do it all for the kingdom of God. I can remember having dreams of the very thing I am doing today. Now, going for my master’s, I know God has allowed me to set the tone for the next generation after me.
I do not know what you are facing today or what you will face in the future, but I encourage you to keep going no matter how it looks or feels. Honestly, it may feel harder than ever but one day you will look back and thank God for not allowing you to quit. Something else to remember is that you are the very model someone is counting on and all those hard moments will look differently when you have gotten through them. Remember, there is always a result we can learn from. Keep doing the right thing, hold on to your faith and hope, knowing good things are around corner.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6: 9 (NIV)