By Andres Aguirre
As the new year begins so does a new semester which means a fresh start and time to get back to work. After a long break people sometimes have difficulties getting back on the grind or finding their groove with classes and work. It almost feels awkward because you are not sure what to expect from new classes and you were so used to the routine of last semester. All you know is that you have little to no desire to start a whole semester again, but you need to find a rhythm before you fall behind. Lucky for you here are some tips to help you take the semester head on and to be successful.
1. Get Organized
This might seem like a given, but it is crucial to staying on top of your game. Everyone has their own way to get organized and it is important to find what works best for you. Planners and calendars can be super beneficial especially if you are a visual person. You can find planners and calendars at Walmart for cheap or there are also planner and calendar apps to download onto your phone. A lot of times people slack on assignments because they forget about them or get mixed up with other assignments. It helps to go through the syllabi and write down when assignments are due.
2. Be Active
This sounds easy yet it tends to more difficult than we think. I think I can speak for a lot of us when I say we all wish to be a little more fit or to eat healthier. Being active can mean a lot of different things. If you attend ENMU as a student or faculty you have free access to the MaxPac in the Greyhound Arena. ENMU also offers health and physical education courses. There are courses like walk and jogging, self-defense, and weightlifting. If you are too shy to go out in public there are countless videos on YouTube that have at-home workouts. You can follow along at your own pace in the comfort of your own home. Being active is important because it increases focus and concentration, it boosts your mood, reduces stress and much more. Adding a little exercise can help you thrive this semester.
3. Find a Study Buddy or Group
One of the worst things that can happen in college is to fall behind. In order to prevent this is, it is important to have accountability. Finding a study buddy or study group not only helps you study, but it forces you to set time aside and get help instead of isolating yourself. You can also meet new friends that are on the same mission as you. With that being said, don’t forget to be familiar with professors and their office hours if you have any other questions or need more help.
Hopefully these tips can help you start the semester with a good start and inspire you to take every obstacle head on. Remember that great results depend on the actions taken place before hand so make those actions great.