This article is courtesy of The Chase –

By Jessica Kingery
Patricia Dobson, communication professor at Eastern New Mexico University, is preparing to publish a book about her father, Tom, having begun writing it years ago. The book is titled “Lessons from My Father.” She and her dad have always had a very close bond throughout their lives. Her father was always giving out life lessons, which he called “dad-isms,” she said. Dobson has always seen her father as a role model in her life. She is who she is now because of him. Dobson recently sat down with The Chase volunteer Jessica Kingery for an interview about her upcoming title.
Kingery: When did you begin writing this book?”
Dobson: Some of the columns are from 2014. I included what I wrote already, and I even wrote some more after he had passed away.
K: When will it be available to purchase?
D: They are doing the cover art now. The final edits were turned in last year and approved in December. In general, not too much longer.
K: What inspired you to write this book about your father?
D: I wasn’t inspired to write the book so much as it was the stories … I had wrote about him all these years needed to be put in one place for everyone to enjoy.
K: What is the biggest life lesson he taught you?
D: There are too many to pick from. He was always giving out life lessons. One of the wisest ones is “if you say you will do it, then do it.” This has stuck with me to this day.