By Andres Aguirre
We can all agree that this year has been a wild ride. Who would have thought that COVID-19 would have this big of an impact on everyone? People are hoarding supplies, losing their jobs, and most are staying in self-quarantine. In these trying times it is important to stay positive so to help, here are 10 activities to do while in quarantine.
Spring Cleaning
This is a great opportunity to deep clean the areas we always wanted to but never had enough time. That could mean the car, closet, garage, fridge, etc. While you are cleaning the areas that haven’t gotten much attention, it is also important to clean the items in your home that you use on a regular basis. Cleaning and disinfecting things such as your phone, laptop and remotes often can help kill viruses and bacteria according to the CDC. For more information on how to properly clean and protect yourself from getting sick go to https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/disinfecting-your-home.html
Yard Work
Just like Spring Cleaning, you can move around and mow the lawn, tidy up on the yard, or even start a small garden. Get down and dirty by growing your favorite fruits, veggies or flowers.
Arts and Crafts
Not all of us are artists, but taking some time to draw, color, or make some arts and crafts can help bring out your creative side and relax. If you need help getting started, then look for ideas on Pinterest to bring out inspiration.
We all knew this one was coming. Exercise can boost your mood and help you relieve stress by increasing the production of endorphins in your brain. According to healthline.com, “It produces changes in the parts of the brain that regulate stress and anxiety. It can also increase brain sensitivity for the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which relieve feelings of depression.” Now that we are spending most of our time indoors it can be difficult to follow a workout plan or be accountable. It is hard to be motivated to exercise when you can’t go to the gym, but if you’re not sure what you can do, YouTube has tons of at-home workouts that do not require equipment. Simple exercise like push-ups, crunches and squats come a long way when done consistently.
Build Forts
Before you watch a movie or play videogames, build a fort. Use the couch pillows, covers, sheets, or whatever you need to make the ultimate space to enjoy yourself.
Board Games and Puzzles
It’s time to get competitive and bring out the board games to prove you’re the best. Even if you only have a deck of cards, there are countless games to play with them. Puzzles are also a great way to kill time and unwind.
Read Books
I think that most of us can say we have a list of books we’ve always wanted to read but never got to them. Well, now there is more than enough time and if there is a book you don’t currently own, it could be available online or as an audiobook, so keep your eyes out.
Create a Masterpiece
This could mean writing a song, story, poem, scrapbook, etc. Unleash your creativity and set some time aside to work on a project that you can be proud of. Start off with a piece of paper and pencil and brainstorm on what you want to create; the possibilities are endless.
Learn a New Skill
Instead of sitting at home not doing anything productive, you can put some time into learning a new skill. You can pick up a new instrument, learn a new recipe, or try to learn a new language like Spanish or ASL. YouTube is a great place to watch videos and learn new things. It is easier said than done, but remember practice makes perfect.
Connect with Friends and Family
Even though we are advised to stay home, we can still have communication through technology. Some people are going through more of a tough time than others, so it’s important to check up on each other and help any way we can through this crazy time. Call a family member or an old friend and see how they’re doing. It is healthy for us, plus it helps make the time fly by.
Hopefully, this list can help you keep your sanity through this self-quarantine period. Stay home, wash your hands, and remember we are all in this together.