By Kiley Garette
When I first applied to Eastern New Mexico University in 2016, I didn’t give a second thought about what name I was going to have on my college degree and didn’t think it was very important. Even after my fiancé proposed to me during my freshman year, I wasn’t concerned with what my last name would be on my degree.
It wasn’t until I switched my major just before my junior year and my fiancé and I made the official decision to postpone our wedding until I finish college, that I realized not getting married before graduation meant I would legally still have my maiden name by the time I graduated. That would mean the name on my degree would be my maiden name.
I already go by my soon to be married name in several ways; my social media is all under my married name, as well as my website and my professional resume. While it’s easy to change a last name on a website and resume, I don’t really want to go by my maiden name. Recently in one of my classes, I had to evaluate my personal brand and to me my married name is something that I absolutely need to have as part of it.
I don’t want to have to go through any hassles when it comes to the legitimacy of my degree in the future over something as little as my last name being different, not that my first name isn’t distinct enough. I feel like having my married name on my degree will only make things easier post-graduation.
Ultimately, and as if the other reasons weren’t enough, I just want my married name to be on my degree. As of now, figuring out the course of action needed to change my last name legally without it being due to marriage, is something I’m slowly figuring out. Admittedly, I don’t know much about it and while I’ve done some research online, I haven’t been able to find consistent answers over multiple reputable sources.
I was denied the choice to change my last name in the past and despite my parent’s protests that changing my name before marriage is unnecessary. I am not going to deny myself the option this time simply because I don’t want to step on somebody’s toes. I actively encourage other young women in similar situations to do the same, you should take others feelings into consideration, of course, but don’t let it take precedence over what you want and what you think would be best. It is your decision and there is no reason you should base it on anyone’s feelings other than your own.