Name: Rachael Patee
Major: Graphic Design
1. Tell us a little about yourself:
I am from Albuquerque, NM. I currently am a tutor for ENMU. I love to hang out with friends in my free time along with have game nights with them.
2. What are your plans post-graduation?
My post-graduation plans include living in Albuquerque and get a full-time job no matter if it is in my field of work or not.
3. Do you plan on going to grad school?
I do not plan on going to grad school.
4. Do you already have a job lined up? Or are you actively searching?
I am currently applying for jobs in the graphic design field.
5. What is your dream job? Why?
A dream job of mine is to work for Disney because I have always loved the film industry but Disney is more than just movies. I have been to both Disneyland and Disneyworld and I loved both.
6. What is one thing that you’ve learned from the university?
One thing I have learned from the university is to take any chance that is given to you because you never know what will come out of it.
7. What is some advice that you would give upcoming students?
Some advice I would give is to join a club and try to get work. It will help so much with meeting new people along with staying busy and out of trouble.
8. Who was your favorite professor at ENMU? Why?
My favorite professor has to be Scott Golem because he helps is students with their work to the best of his ability, and he is very understanding when it comes to missing class as long as he is emailed ahead of time of a missed class.
9. What’s your best memory at ENMU?
My best memory at ENMU is being able to go to ASABs toga party in spring of 2018. I got to hang out with some amazing friends and meet new friends.
10. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
I see myself working in my field hopefully out of New Mexico. I also see myself enjoying my life and my career with my friends and family.