Name: Cristina Salazar Guerrero
Major: Computer Science with a minor in Graphic Design
- Tell us a little about yourself:
I was born in Delicias, Chihuahua, México, but I am from Artesia, NM. I work as a Lead Tutor on campus and as a waitress at El Rancho here in Portales. I enjoy working with other people and helping others out with whatever I can. I enjoy painting, drawing, and listening to music. I also enjoy doing math, as funny as it sounds. Puzzles, riddles, and logical thinking intrigues me and when I solve them makes me feel accomplished. I am actually also founder and Vice President of the Computer Science Club available to STEM students on campus! - What are your plans post-graduation?
I plan to go into the workforce. Hit the ground running. - Do you plan on going to grad school? If so, where? And to study what?No, but I do at some point wish to attend Art School.
- Do you already have a job lined up? Or are you actively searching?
I am actively searching, and I plan to find an entry level job in Web Development or Software Engineering. - What is your dream job? Why?
My dream is to become an animator at Walt Disney studios or Pixar studios. Ever since I was little, I loved the stories they’ve told and the art they create. It inspired me to try to become a storyteller through my art. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve only just grown to love it even more and notice a lot of things that I didn’t as a kid, such as the amount of technology it takes to create animated movies. - What is one thing that you’ve learned from the university?
I’ve learned about teamwork. ENMU is smaller than most universities, but there’s always someone to turn to for help. There’s so much support from others, and as a freshman, you come in thinking that you’re on your own for good once your parents drop you off, but eventually you become surrounded by the diversity of the people on campus and the wonderful people from the community. - What is some advice that you would give upcoming students?
Don’t be afraid to try new things! I came in wanting to be an English teacher for secondary education because I loved writing so much but came out as a programmer and graphic designer. It really opened my eyes to a lot of things I didn’t even know existed in our world today. - Who was your favorite professor at ENMU? Why?
I love the math department. I’ve tutored for a lot of wonderful math professors and if I had to choose anyone it’d be Dr. Chunchao Lane. He really pushes everyone to learn how to answer their own questions. In the workforce, you really don’t have a lot of time to do things. It pushed me to grasp that concept and be ready for it. - What’s your best memory at ENMU?
My best memory here is how close I became with my students as a Tutor and how I got to work so much with Betsy Chavez and Dolor Jones to better the Tutoring Department. It helped me so much professionally and it helped me expand my communication skills. - Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
I see myself either working or attending art school.