The importance of mental health

The topic of mental health has been increasing over the years, having many people reach out for help in order for them to become “seen” or “heard” in order to make others understand why they have the mood that they have at the moment. Others try to express their mind with art or having certain tattoos on their body. However, no matter which way that one person is trying to control their mental health could be the one that everyone should be following or could be comfortable with. 

Mental health has been the cause of death of many people, one of the biggest reasons as to why this is the case, is because some did not reach out for help, while others reached out but never felt heard or seen to understand the way they were feeling. Struggling with a mind that overthinks and making scenarios that are not true is its own way of sabotage, but it could also be a way to become ready for something that could happen at some point. 

Having other outlets in order to have some type of help to ease the mind of those who struggle with mental health is a great way to start the process to become less worried about someone’s thoughts, although the mind will always be running all over the place. Some people might say that it could never be enough, that maybe it is better if anyone struggling with mental health is just thrown into a clinic, but those statements are made because of the unknown, and more often than not they do not have anyone that is close to them struggling with mental health. 

Mental health has often become a problem that can cause a permanent choice that can be solved, however, those who have struggled with mental health have come to involve themselves in activities and other hobbies in order to maintain their mental stability and not have them jump off the ledge. Those who struggle with mental health will never reach out on their own, but oftentimes are being pushed to having some type of help. This involves having friends to have around or even having a support system in order to have their mind at a normal operating level and not having them doubt themselves to the point that they have to make that one choice they can never take back.

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