The struggle of the housing market

One of the biggest goals anyone has in life is to own a home, this could be something out in the country or even an apartment inside of the city. But what happens when that goal is highly impacted by the type of jobs that someone could have? What happens when someone can not work or can only work part time? For many this is the wall they hit at every turn, having to rent or still having to live with their parents, others just having to manage and have roommates and combine their income in order to make ends meet, both rent, utilities and groceries. 

Within Lea County and west Texas, the housing market has always been steady, this is because big oil field companies manipulate the housing market by purchasing homes in order to rent out to their employees at an inflated rate. With the increase of the average price of a small home, it has become harder for anyone to be able to become a homeowner.

With having so many oilfield jobs that are willing to pay high salaries, often well over the six figure range, those who can not make that same amount of money struggle paycheck to paycheck and even day to day to stay on top of bills and necessities. The oil industry has made a big impact for anyone who wants to make a good living especially when responsibilities are dropped on someone from one day to the next. 

Speaking with various realtors around the area, they all had the same mentality, “if you don’t make enough money to invest in a two bedroom house it’s better if you join the oil industry to make a better purchase on a home.” Many people believe that there are other ways to become a homeowner, however, for a town or area that is heavily run by the oil industry, can often make it hard and even impossible to become a homeowner when you are outside of the industry.

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