The article is courtesy of The Roosevelt Review –

EASTERN NEW MEXICO UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS MEETING Eastern New Mexico University Santa Fe Hilton, Historic Plaza – Santa Fe, NM Main Conference Room January 23, 2020 – 10:00 a.m. AGENDA
CALL TO ORDER 1. Declare a quorum
2. Approve the agenda
3. Approve minutes of the December 13, 2019 meeting
ROUTINE MATTERS 1. Report from the president of the Board
2. Report from the ENMU-Roswell president
3. Report from the ENMU-Ruidoso president
4. Report from the chancellor of the ENMU System
1. Approval to Offer EMS and Automotive Certificates and Degrees at Alternate Locations, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)
2. Deactivation of Engineering and Design Technology-Surveying Program, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)
3. Deactivation of New Mexico Youth Challenge Training Program – Phlebotomy, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)
4. Addendum to Fall 2019 Graduation List, Portales (Mr. Clark Elswick, Action)
Other Items
1. Audited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2019, Portales (Mr. Scott Smart, Acceptance)
2. Authorization for the Chancellor to Sign the Construction Contract for the Physical Plant Construction and Automotive/Welding Renovation, Roswell (Dr. Shawn Powell, Action)
REGENTS MATTERS Information Only
Dr. Patrice Caldwell – Investment Policy Status of Student Regent Scholarship Dr. Jeff Elwell – Recruiting Goals and Changes (Mr. Cody Spitz) Status of Student Regent Scholarship Discussion of “Free Tuition” Recommendation ENMU Liquor License Issue – Status of Additional Licenses Legislative/Capital Outlay Requests and Strategy Mr. Scott Smart – Status of Contractor Walk-Through of President’s Residence Update on ENMU Portales Campus Solar Array Project, Alternative Energy Project Discussion Regarding the Evaluation of Key Infrastructure Discussion/Status of Travel and Entertainment Policy Modifications Portales Facility Master Plan
Action Items 1. Annual Authorization of Officers (Regent Terry Othick)
2. Nomination of Board of Regents Secretary/Treasurer (Regent Terry Othick)
3. Board Sub-Committee Appointments for Foundation and Alumni (Regent Othick)
4. Nomination and Appointment of Higher Education Regents Council – HERC, (Regent Othick)
5. Women’s Golf (Dr. Jeff Elwell)
EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Discussion of 1 limited personnel matter pursuant to Section 10-15-1(H)(2), NMSA (1978)
“If you require Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations in order to attend Board of Regents meetings, please contact the Office of the President, Eastern New Mexico University at 575.562.2121