Cooper: This is the time

By Desiree M. Cooper

I voted yes as a student senator last year, and, on October 2, I will vote yes again.

I am voting yes for a much-needed point of pride for Eastern New Mexico University. I am voting yes for a facility that will bring new entertainment and opportunities to our community.

I am voting yes for the new stadium.

This multi-purpose facility is about more than just football. If we vote yes, the track team will finally be able to host meets and bring fans from across the region to Portales. Band members won’t have to practice on a rugged field far away from the place they actually perform. Intramural athletes will be able to take advantage of a high-quality location close to campus.

A new stadium would bring more people to ENMU. Potential athletes will be impressed by the prospect of having a worthwhile field to play on. Potential students will be excited to show their Greyhound pride in a pristine environment. Potential faculty members will see ENMU as a desirable destination due to its continuous growth and top-notch facilities.

College students often complain that there is nothing to do in Portales. A new stadium could change that. By offering a large venue with an abundance of seating located close to campus, the university would be able to accommodate a variety of entertainment acts.

Without the stadium, ENMU lacks the facilities to attract those types of performers. We are missing out on an array of activities such as concerts and festivals. An increase in student fees is worth having a more diverse pool of events to choose from.

Yes, I wrote the words “an increase in student fees,” words that have sparked an assortment of arguments. Fee increases for recreational and athletic facilities are a common occurrence in universities across the United States.

Our neighbors at West Texas A&M experienced a drastic student fee increase. In 2008, that university passed a $300 per semester increase to build a new stadium. The $300 a semester figure makes our $40 a semester figure look a lot less daunting.

I have only gone to Blackwater Draw two or three times as an ENMU student. I enjoyed the football games, but I detested the lengthy trip I had to endure to get to the worn-down stadium.

For me, the convenience of having a stadium within walking distance of the campus outweighs a small increase in student fees each semester.