
Children are always watching
By: Jennifer Ziemba There is a saying by W.E.B. DuBois that states, “Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.” This saying has been in the back of my mind from the […]

I am being tracked!
By: Jennifer Ziemba As a parent of many teens and a pre-teen I have been known to very frequently track my children on their cell phones. I need that reassurance that yes, they are at […]

A Healthy Dose of Shame
By Amanda Brown At the start of a new decade, it is intriguing to look back on the last 10 years and consider what that period will be remembered for in the history books. I […]

It’s More Than a Workout
By Amanda Brown It has often been said that out of adversity comes opportunity – similar to this is the story of one of Portales, N.M.’s local business owner, Dina Lopez-Killette. Except in her particular […]

The 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle
By Gabrielle Smith Believe it or not there are many products today that are made out of paper, much of which become wasted due to human being’s constant use of them and the inconsistency of […]

The ‘Good’ College Student’s Silver Lining
By Amanda Brown As a previous class valedictorian (yes, that noise in the background is the sound of my own horn being tooted) I have long considered myself a ‘good student.’ I never miss an […]

5 Tips for Packing for a Move
By Amanda Brown Having survived 7 moves in the last 4 years; living out of a suitcase for the majority of the last one, there are a few things I’ve learned when it comes to […]

Eight Free Horror Films to Watch on Tubi
By: Jackson Cooperman It’s officially that spooky season again. With our current global state and everyone stuck at home, we’re in greater need of digital entertainment this Halloween. Let’s take a look at two lists […]

Must Watch Films for Halloween
By Gabrielle Smith In my opinion, Halloween is one of the best holidays! Here I have a list of the best films to watch in no particular order to get into the Halloween mood! Slasher […]