
What is Integrity?

By Naomi Vargas, Lifestyle Writer Working in the area I do, I recruit a lot of new managers it seems like monthly, and I see how so many sell themselves and then when they start […]


Happiness in a Balloon

By Naomi Vargas, Lifestyle Writer This past weekend, my mother, grandson, and I went to the International Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, New Mex. I had never attended before, and let me tell you, if you […]



Hi Greyhounds! HoundBytes is proud to bring you this special summer edition of our magazine. In This issue, I’m excited to share with you the amazing story of a controversial New Mexico legend, Reies Lopez Tijerina and the assault […]


Testing Anxiety

By: Jennifer Greene There’s a lot of reference material online to aid you in preparing for testing. In researching some information for this article there came forth several articles, study guide websites, and tutoring platforms. […]


The Misunderstood Medicine

By: Madison Lawson What comes to mind when you think “mushrooms”? Many people think about “magic mushrooms” when asked this question. People know “magic” mushrooms are supposed to induce a hallucinogenic trip. People don’t know […]


If Only I Knew Then What I Know Now

By: Jennifer Ziemba Have you ever thought, “If only I knew then what I know now?”  I know I have several times.  Thinking back on the difficult and downright hard times makes me appreciate the […]

Around Town

Netflix and Chill?

By: Adelina Perez How many of you have started watching Squid Game on Netflix? My guess would be the majority. There are so many shows I start watching because they become so popular and get […]

Around Town

Virtual Learning

By: Yavet Elizalde Like every other class during the pandemic, I started by staring at a white screen that would tell me to wait until the host lets me into the zoom call. What I […]



By: Adelina Perez  Finally we are to the point where I can talk more in depth about crystals! What are crystals used for? Well, I am glad you asked. Crystals are more than just a […]