Around Town

Stepping into America

By: Clara Khalsa It has been 12 years since I first came to the United States. I had never come here before and was very naïve to think this was going to be a two-month […]


Student-Athletes Mental Health 

By: Rapi Satoa Mental health issues have been a concern lately with student athletes. Student-Athletes go through plenty of difficulties during the day whether it is mentally, physically, or emotionally.   Student-Athletes have been at risk with mental health issues. […]

Around Town

Mopar or No Car

By: Matthew Benavidez Car enthusiast have been around since the first buggy was pulled by a horse. More specifically, a certain type of a car enthusiast is a Mopar enthusiast. Mopar enthusiasts are one of […]

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Camping on a Low-cost Budget

By: Chris Isham Have you thought about your plans for next year’s Spring Break? As everyone knows, springtime is warmer weather around Eastern New Mexico and West Texas (other than the random April snowstorm). Obviously, […]



By: Adelina Perez Are you someone who loves to make plans? Or are you someone who would rather just go with the flow? I personally love planning, specifically vacations, but in general I am a […]


Children are always watching

By: Jennifer Ziemba There is a saying by W.E.B. DuBois that states, “Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.” This saying has been in the back of my mind from the […]